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So far admin has created 12 blog entries.
  • A group on men in a men's-only addiction recovery facility having group therapy.

The Advantages of Choosing a Men’s-Only Addiction Recovery Facility

It’s difficult enough to make the decision to get substance abuse treatment, but choosing the right recovery facility can seem even harder. Did you know there are men’s-only addiction recovery facilities to provide men with the care they need to ...

  • A wife talking to her husband about him struggling with addiction.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Talking to a Loved One Struggling with Addiction

Talking to a loved one struggling with addiction isn’t easy, but it’s a necessary first step. To help you navigate this, here are some do’s and don’ts so you can make this conversation as effective and compassionate as possible. Do: ...

  • A man sitting with his head in his hand, struggling with addiction.

6 Ways Substance Addiction Can Change Your Personality

If you or someone you know struggles with substance addiction, you may have noticed a change in behavior and personality. Learn about how substances can change a person's personality, and how to get help. Can Substance Addiction Change Someone’s Personality? ...

  • A man going through addiction wondering where he can get addiction recovery treatment.

The Most Common Barriers to Addiction Recovery

There are many obstacles preventing people from seeking addiction recovery. Here are some common reasons that those struggling with addiction do not seek help and how they can be overcome. Belief There is Not a Problem For those who do ...

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